Monday - Saturday 9am - 9pm
The Fazal SonsThe Fazal SonsThe Fazal Sons

About us

Fazal Sons CEO Message

We keep moving forward cautiously in our goal to become Pakistan’s go-to source for energy and engineering solutions. We also keep an eye out for strategic alliances both inside and outside of Pakistan in order to achieve technical excellence and give our esteemed clients better solutions. Our next objective is to establish ourselves as a significant participant in the LPG industry, prepared to provide our customers throughout Pakistan long-term energy solutions.

Call to Ask Any Question Helpline: 03-111-341-111

Shahid Fazal Rana

the fazal sons-ceo-lpg-gas
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Marketing & Distribution

Fazal Sons is one of the leading LPG marketing and distribution company. Our main aim is ensure the availability of quality LPG in order meet the nation’s demand. We have an active facility “Fazal Sons “ at Faisalabad thus fueling Pakistan’s energy demand.

LPG Storage Facility

Our company’s LPG marketing and distribution stretches from Faisalabad to remote areas of Punjab. We own largest storage capacity of 120 MT at Faisalabad

Purchasing of Product

Fazal Sons is one of the leading LPG marketing and distribution company. Our main aim is ensure the availability of quality LPG in order meet the nation’s demand. We have an active facility “Fazal Sons “ at Faisalabad thus fueling Pakistan’s energy demand.

Product Movement

Our organization guarantees an effective LPG product supply chain. We came up with a reliable plan for the supply and delivery of LPG products throughout Pakistan via road through Bowzers. Our fleet consists of about fifty Bowzers that are outfitted with pilferage-proof tracker systems and adhere to the most recent ADR regulations. Bowsers was the original source of LPG supply in Faisalabad now, LPG storage plants, distributors, retailers, and consumers make up the supply chain.


Future Plan

Our plan is to become one of the leading LPG Marketing and Distribution Company. We will maximize the number of Bowzers in order to maintain high-class safety standards and to ensure the delivery of quality product to remote areas of Pakistan.

Our Mission

Our mission is to enable and delight our customers and market throughout Pakistan with potentiality. We will make it possible with the assistance of our management, strong distribution channels and of course with the cooperation of Fazal Sons team. Being more open and connected will be our attribute. we will work for all the values that bring us market success.

Our Vision

Pinnacle is our destination through our attribution. We want to reach to the zenith of LPG industry in Pakistan by supplying uninterrupted LPG to the everyday life of the everyday people, offering the customers the best possible service, quality and value.



To take perfect initiative to cater the market segment of household, commercial and industrial gas


Strong health and safety ethos, delivering potentially hazardous products safely and reliably.

Passionate, experienced and committed team of people and also customer focused.

Quality of service at competitive prices.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

Fazal Sons Traders

Fazal Sons Traders is Working on Multiple Projects Like as Building Constructions,LPG Gas Manufacturing and Partners in Largest School Networks Like Spirit School and Smart Schools If You Have any Inquiry Please Contact Us.
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Fazal Sons Traders