Monday - Saturday 9am - 9pm
The Fazal SonsThe Fazal SonsThe Fazal Sons


The Name of Trust Fazal Sons

A Trueted Construction Company in Faisalabad

We are World Leaders in the Field of Construction. We Provide Design, Renovation, Build, Construction Management and other Projects

Building Construction

We offer our clients access to a team of highly qualified and experienced specialists offering consultancy services in preliminary work, building design, construction management as well as construction supervision and maintenance work.

Construction Building Home Decore the fazal sons

Electricity Power Distribution

We have the experience, knowledge & know how to undertake your any type of Electricity power distribution project. We at Mian Builders provides you with the best Quality of Electricity & Power Distribution Projects.

Construction Building Home Decore the fazal sons

Maintenance and Repairs

Our Building repairs and maintenance services includes works undertaken for maintaining proper condition of building. We offer you three types of Repairs Services which are Day to Day Repair, Annual repair or special repairs.

Fazal Sons Electricity of Power Supply in Construction


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To Whom It May Concern

Get In Touch

Fazal Sons is a LPG Gas Distributors in Faisalabad it provides lpg gas very cost effective Rates. Fazal sons also provide free delivery for her valuable customers and Quality is our first Priority and services is also very outstanding for Upcoming Customers and Current Clients.

the fazal sons-ceo-lpg-gas

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

Fazal Sons Traders

Fazal Sons Traders is Working on Multiple Projects Like as Building Constructions,LPG Gas Manufacturing and Partners in Largest School Networks Like Spirit School and Smart Schools If You Have any Inquiry Please Contact Us.
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Fazal Sons Traders